Apple News+ is joining the trend of daily word games.
The iOS 17.5 operating system has been released by Apple, which includes a number of upgrades. One of these updates is support for a cross-OS alert system for unwanted Bluetooth trackers. This system was developed by Apple in collaboration with Google. The distribution of web-based applications across the European Union is the other noteworthy aspect that has been introduced.
Apple has decided to implement this feature in response to the Digital Markets Act of the European Union, which has recently become operational. It will not, however, be a free-for-all situation. If developers want to allow users to download iOS applications from their websites, they will be required to comply with new restrictions imposed by the App Store. These rules stipulate that developers will be required to pay a charge for each user if they reach a particular level. In addition to this, they will be required to have a developer account that is in good standing and to have an application that successfully installed more than one million iOS devices in the European Union in the preceding year.
An additional noteworthy improvement is included in iOS 17.5 in the form of a brand new function that is referred to as Repair State. To put it succinctly, this will mean that iPhone customers will no longer be need to disable Find My when they send in their iPhone for repair.
In other news, there have been some adjustments made to the Apple News+ platform. You may use the app to catch up on some reading while you are on a flight and don’t feel like paying for Wi-Fi because it now has an offline mode, which has been a long time coming. It is not necessary to have an internet connection in order to use the Today feed and the News+ tab.
Apple is also expanding its offerings beyond crossword puzzles and delving deeper into the daily word game fad, which has been popularized by websites such as Wordle. Quartiles is a unique game that is similar to Boggle and is available to Apple News+ users. You will be able to form words and earn points by connecting tiles that contain a variety of word combinations. There will be the ability for you to communicate your scores to other players.

Finally, but certainly not least, Apple has released the most recent iteration of their annual Pride collection, which is a tribute to the LGBTQ+ community. This collection includes a Pride Radiance watch face as well as wallpapers for iOS and iPadOS. You will have the ability to personalize these from a variety of color options.
As you move your Apple Watch, you will see that the colors trail the numerals on the watch face and react to your movements. Commencing on May 22nd, a matching Apple Watch Pride Edition Braided Solo Loop will be made available for purchase at a price of $99 per unit. “Pride” is written in bright beams of color on the backgrounds of the iPhone and iPad, and these backdrops move when the device is unlocked.